Monday, November 8, 2010

Mind Maze

Argument Statement: Shakespeare's uses the word choice and repetiton of the character's in order to reveal their inner most desires, allowing the audience to dive right into the minds of the characters, causing them to be more invloved in the play.

Psychoanalytical: The psychoanalytical lens of interpretation includes everything that a character does. Looking at each thing as though it means more than what meets the eyes. Such as analyzing dreams, words, or movements to see into the minds of the characters. Important things to look at in dreams are character sizes, the setting, and most importantly the events. It includes both aspects of the subconscious and the conscience mind. There are several ways author’s can use words to help this process and they include: dialogue selection, word repetition, tone, similes and metaphors, other literary devices, and foreshadowing. This keeps the readers intrigued in the piece of work. The environment plays a very important role. We must be able to look at a character’s surroundings and see how these aspects may affect their minds. How it causes characters to make certain decisions or to act in a certain manner. By looking at the surroundings we can see what influences the minds of people to behave in a certain manner. These factors include familial dynamics, personal misfortunes, and social crises. When trying to psychoanalyze a person, a very important technique is to look into the past of the person. At young stages in people’s lives they often suffer traumas or life experiences that have a lasting affect on their personality. Although they are sometimes unaware of it, certain events may change a person’s perspective on life. There are several factors that are used to fully capture the complexity of human psychology. No one can be used to capture the entirety of it. Instead, we can interpret human psychology across culture classes, genders, sexual orientations and familial and other personal contexts.