Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mountain Dew Advertisement Analysis

This is a mountain dew advertisement.
Point of view: Biographical

This is an advertisement currently used for mountain dew, that portrays a very old style of mountain dew. It reminds people of the beginning of the mountain dew franchise. It again goes back to the use of natural sugar, and shows what appears to be a farmer wearing outdated clothes. It gives the ad a rustic and old timer feeling. THis can be very appealing to people. This shows the history of mountain dew, showing that it has clearly been around for quite some time. THis shows that it clearly is a popular beverage, along with the recognition of such an old family brand name of pepsi-cola. THis advertisement is very well directed to people with a biographical point of view. THey can see that it is a successful company with relations to one of the greatest soft drink companies of all time.

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